The Frontier Times Museum Proudly Presents
Texas Heroes Hall of Honor Inductees
The history of Bandera’s own Frontier Times Museum is a story of one man’s dream that has become a legacy for an entire community. The Frontier Times Museum has often been referred to as the “jewel” of Bandera.
In keeping with the pioneering spirit of the museum’s founder, J. Marvin Hunter, Sr., the Frontier Times Museum has established the FRONTIER TIMES TEXAS HEROES HALL OF HONOR, to recognize the contributions of REMARKABLE INDIVIDUALS AND WONDEROUS CHARACTERS who, through their leadership, creativity, example and hard work, keep the pioneer spirit alive and HELP KEEP TEXAS, TEXAN.
Our 2024 Texas Heroes Hall of Honor Induction Ceremony will be held on the museum grounds on Friday, April 149, 2024 at 6:30pm.
The 2024 Inductee
Susie Short
The Frontier Times Museum is celebrating a special Texas Heroes Hall of Honor this year by inducting nationally known watercolorist, Susie Short, as the lone 2024 inductee into the Hall of Honor. This year’s ceremony will be held on Friday, April 19th in conjunction with the exhibit opening of a retrospective of Susie Short Watercolors spanning fifty years of paintings. Established in 2009, the Texas Heroes Hall of Honor honors Texans who have exemplified what it means to be a great Texan and to embody the spirit of Texas.
Susie is a country girl at heart. She grew up in Bandera, Texas and easily refers to Bandera as her hometown. Two of her great-grandfathers were well known pioneers in Bandera - J.W. Short was a rancher and banker at First State Bank and J. Marvin Hunter Sr. was a newspaperman and founder of the Bandera Bulletin and the Frontier Times Museum. Susie got her education in Bandera public schools. She was active in 4H and was the first girl to take vocational-agriculture at Bandera High School. During her high school years, she discovered her love for art and painting. In her junior and senior years of high school, she studied watercolor painting at the Hunter School of Art in San Antonio, with Warren Hunter, son of J. Marvin Hunter and her great-uncle. In her pursuit of a career in art, Susie studied with many top watercolor artists. As her skills and talent grew, she entered and was accepted in local, regional, national, international juried watercolor competitions. Her accomplishments include numerous first and second place awards, a couple of best of show awards, and several honorable mentions.
Following in the footsteps of her Uncle Warren, Susie started sharing her love for watercolor painting with others. Her versatility and energetic dedication to learn and encourage others has made her popular among both art instructors and students.
“I’m thrilled to have Susie as our 2024 Hall of Heroes inductee. When I first arrived at the museum, I found a watercolor of hers of a field of bluebonnets and wildflowers. I made sure I moved the watercolor to hang above my desk so that I could see it every day,” remarked Executive Director, Rebecca Norton, “It’s been an honor to work with Susie on the exhibit. She is a natural curator and her retrospective exhibit of her work will be one of the most important art shows we will have at the museum.”

Esther Benedict
Guich Koock
Adolph Stricker, Sr.
Leon Coffee
Frances Kaiser
Mary McGroarty
Frank Anderwald
Barbara Mazurek
Bruce Montague
Jack Moss
Werner Max Lindig
Stephanie Byrd D'Spain
Suzie Heywood
Foster Baird Doane
Ballan Grant Keen
Ed Mansfield
Phil Becker
David Burell
Callie duPerier Apffel
Norma Jean Anderwald
Buck Sloan
Bill Stevens
Clay Conoly
Kelly Scott
J. Griffis Smith
Jehu D. “Jud” Ashmore
John Douglas “Bud” Fitzpatrick
Todd Whitewood
David K Langford
Robert L. Mansfield
Larry Nolen
Gary P. Nunn
Margaret “Peggy” Tobin
Craig Cameron
H. Joaquin Jackson
Arkey Blue
Buddy Groff
Coy Herman “Toots” Mansfield
Richard S. “Kinky” Friedman
Louis Pearce
Wyman Meinzer
Mathias Edward “Scooter” Fries
Bill Pickett
Jose Policarpio “Polly” Rodriguez
Red Steagall
Buck Taylor
Rudy Robbins
Don & Judy Hicks
J. Marvin Hunter
J. Frank Dobie
Maudeen Marks
”Captain” Joe Bowman
Ray Wharton
Cleo Hearn
Kevin Fitzpatrick
”Empresario” Terry Boothe
Dr. Raul Gaona, Sr