Educational Resources Available
Customized museum field trips & educational traveling trunks for your school’s exploration

Field Trips at the Museum
For Schools & Homeschoolers
Elevate learning with tailored museum excursions.
Educational and Fun
Customized to your lesson plan
Appropriate for all age groups
For more information and to schedule your visit, contact us at 830-796-3864 or by email at information@frontiertimesmuseum.org.
Admission rates are waived for Bandera County schools.
School Group Rates for groups of 10 or more:
$3 per student
$4 per adult
Texas History Traveling Trunks at your School
Bringing the Museum to the Classroom
The Frontier Times Museum offers a series of four Texas History Traveling Trunks that can be borrowed for the classroom. Each trunk is designed to compliment the classroom curriculum and encourages students to learn Texas history through a variety of interactive activities.
Each trunk contains hands-on artifacts, books, and suggested lesson plans and activities to help facilitate the use of the trunk. The trunks can be checked out for a two-week period on a first-come, first-served basis with a completed request form and $25 refundable deposit. Delivery and pick-up fees may be applicable. Trunks can be shipped to schools outside of the Bandera/Bexar County region.
For additional questions or to arrange a loan, contact us at 830-796-3864 or by email at information@frontiertimesmuseum.org.

Choose Your Topic:
The Civil War in Texas
The Civil War trunk contains artifacts that speak to the hardship of the Civil War on the home front in Texas along with artifacts that reflect the importance of cotton to the southern economy, and what it was like to be a soldier including a reproduction homespun Confederate uniform and a soldier's haversack with hard tack and essential items he would have carried with him.
The Indians of Texas
This trunk helps to bring attention to the lives of various Native Americans who have lived in Texas. You will find artifacts that show how Native Americans in Texas used their natural resources to survive, including a bow with arrows, a tortoise shell carrying-pouch, a coyote skin, and many other artifacts to touch, hold, examine, and study. A notebook highlighting the main aspects of the primary tribes in Texas and a wide array of enriching activities are also included in this trunk.
Pioneer Life & Ranching Traditions
What was life like for pioneer Texans? This trunk has actual artifacts such as a school slate, a rug beater, cotton carders, and other household items that show what life was like for pioneers settling the frontier. Along with these pioneer relics are tools used on a Texas ranch including barb wire samples and an authentic branding iron. This is one of our most popular trunks with both teachers and students.
Going to Texas:
Immigration to the Lone Star State
If your class is studying the many ethnic groups who immigrated to Texas, you might want to check out the Going to Texas trunk. The enclosed notebook holds overviews on various groups who have settled in Texas and profiles of unique immigrants. A variety of activities are included such as "What I Would Pack!" activity to help students understand what it might have been like to be an immigrant themselves and the hardships immigrants faced leaving their country to come to Texas.