Capital Campaign
The Frontier Times Museum has been a beloved institution in Bandera County for over 90 years. Annually residents and visitors join thousands of others to relish the unique exhibits and collections as well as to engage in educational, cultural, and historical programs. Today, this “Cabinet of Curiosity” is filled with pioneer antiquities and frontier treasures. People get to hold a cup that was filled with cowboy coffee around a campfire. Guests can literally open the Bandera bank safe and touch the damage done by outlaws who once blasted into the vault during a daring bank robbery.
Visitors tell us that our community landmark brings bygone days to life for them. Regrettably, the museum can only reveal a portion of our fascinating history. Because of our growing collection we have surpassed the capacity to properly share your beloved historical treasures. Begun during the Great Depression, this native limestone structure is a charming example of Hill Country architecture, but its space limitations hinder your ability to encounter new and interactive exhibits that reveal the unique history of the Texas frontier. Supporters like yourself are asking for more comprehensive and robust programming to ensure that our legacy educates children and adults while preventing the loss of our rich heritage.
History will again come alive in a new museum expansion. You’ll learn how the rugged landscape of the Texas Hill Country transitioned from a once shallow sea where dinosaurs roamed to an environment rich in natural resources. You’ll be able to hear the stories of the many tribes of Native Americans who once hunted and lived along our rivers, changed forever by the footsteps of Spanish explorers who traversed this land in search of treasures. You’ll travel to Texas in the back of a wagon with the many settlers and immigrants who braved the frontier to make a life for their families while furthering prosperity for future generations. You’ll go up a dusty cattle trail and experience being a cowboy of yesteryear who worked the cattle, tamed the wild broncs, and started our rodeo traditions.
Why Are Your Neighbors Doing This?
Today’s families and school children want to learn the history that shaped our lives. Enthusiasts want to protect the legacy that makes Texas great. They asked us to ensure the sustainability of our story. Supporters like you have agreed and are encouraging us to preserve this Texas jewel. Therefore, the volunteers, the Museum Board of Trustees, the staff, our residents, and others have embarked on a Capital Campaign for several reasons:
The Frontier Times Museum was donated by the Doane foundation in 1972. It was deeded to and is fully owned by the citizens of Bandera County. If you live here, you are an owner just like your neighbors.
Many people are unaware that neither our county nor our city provides any money to maintain and operate your museum. Assistance from generous supporters like you has become the foundation to chronicle our heritage and preserve your archives for the benefit of future residents and guests.
History is not finite. It continues and we are receiving offers of more artifacts for preservation so they might become vestiges of tomorrow. This proactive initiative assures that you will be able to properly encounter new treasures of our past.
The museum’s last expansion occurred 5 decades ago with the addition of a western art gallery. We’re ready and we need to grow again.
Families and organizations are seeking sizeable, proper, and unique venues for private and public events including educational programs, cultural gatherings, meetings, banquets, anniversaries, celebrations, weddings, reunions, and memorial services. Through our expansion, we can provide a solution for this problem.
We serve over 10,000 community members, tourists, students, and researchers annually. With a larger space, we can prevent overcrowding and increase the number of people we serve each year.
Currently, we share the museum with students within and beyond the borders of Bandera County. With growing school enrollments in the surrounding districts, we need additional space to deliver expanded educational and cultural programming to ensure that your Texas legacy remains relevant.

Expansion Plans
The addition of a Great Hall that will serve as new programming space, temporary exhibit gallery, lobby, and gift shop
New restrooms and administrative provisions.
Space for a kitchen
New Entry for museum guests.
Outdoor Courtyard for programs and events.
Addition of new, full-sized Exhibit Gallery.
Design and installation of new exhibits that tell the story of Bandera County, the Texas Hill Country, and life on the Texas frontier.
The creation of a new Texas Heroes Hall of Honor to recognize and celebrate great Texans.
Remodeling of historic museum galleries.
Full site and landscaping development.